health services foundation | Musculoskeletal system | injury management | Technical Foundations of Injury Managment | back care basics |
what is axial vs. apendecular what does each one contain
axial- head, spine, neck, trunk
appendecular- arms, legs, |
What is the bone is the body
What are the three different types of splints
soft, hard, rigid
What are some taping supplies that we need
pre-wrap, heal + lace pads + lube, touph skin, white non-adhesive tape
how many vertabrae do we have in the human body
What are the three planes of the body
sagittal- left and right
transverse- top and bottom coronal- front and back |
What are the four main types of bones
long bone
short bone flat bone irregular bone |
What are the 4 accurnims we se when dealing with injuries
2.) RICE 3.)HIT 4.) SAMPLE |
What are the five tapping jobs that we learned
buddy, shoulder, wrist, ankle, elbow
What is lordosis and kyphosis
lordosis- inward curvature of spine
kyphosis- hunchback |
What are the main health care facilities and their purposes
acute- provides immediate care for sudden minor injuries
emergency- acute care for sudden life threatening concerns urgent- acute care for sudden non-life threatening concerns |
What are 3 muscle facts
you have 630 muscle in the human body
muscle dont push they pull you have over 30 facial muscles eye muscles are the most busy in the body |
who is involved in the sports med team
aim specialist, emt/paramedic, athletic therapist, sports nutritionist, coach, physical therapist
what is taping used for
acute injury, injury prevension, return to activity
When do you use a spine board
athlete is unconsious, presents signs if spinal cord injury, lack of movement, pain
what where the six main aspects of health and wellness
social, spiritual, emotional, ocupational, intellectual, physical
What are the five types of body cavity's and what's one thing each of them include
dorsal- head, spinal cord
ventral- holds everything else abdomital- stomach, liver pelvic- bladder, reproductive thorastic- lungs, heart |
What are 4 ways to help prevent injuries
lifestyle, protective equipment, proper warm up + cool down, fitness and conditioning, proper rehab, balanced comp and playing
what is a sport that has a taping restriction- what is it
junior hockey- cant tape wrists
What is the back injury cycle
stiffness, weakness, back problems, hurts to move, stop moving
What is negitive feedback vs. positive feedback
negitive- process to return to set point back to normal
positive- stimulas is increased or reinforced by the effectors not very common |
What is osteosarcoma
cancerous tumor of bone, most common bome cancer, often occurs in young people
What is the differnce between a concusion and contusion
concusion is a brain injury that changes normal brain function
contusion is bruising and possible swelling to the brain |
When shouldn't we tape
if injury needs more asesment, if theres swelling + bruising, if they have applies ice or heat,
What is the sciatic nerve
longest in diamiter, extending from the end of the spinal cord down the back of the high and dividng above the knee joint