Shoulder Anatomy | sports med basics | knee anatomy | CPR |
What is the SC joint
what is the joint that connects the upper body to the trunk.
What is to rule out any life threatening injuries
what is the purpose of a primary survey
What is the calf
palpate the gastrocnemius
what is 100-200 beats per minute
what is the rate of compressions?
What is the Sternoclacicular Ligament and Acromialclavicular joint
what two joint ligaments did we learn about that are not palpatabe
What is Personal Protective Equiptment
what does PPE stand for?
what is the hole in the back of the knee
what is the popliteal fossa?
what is if a patient is breathing, has a pulse, and no fractures or significant trauma
what is the purpose of the recovery position
What is the biceps brachii Tendon
what tendon sits in the Bicepital Groove
What is 2 Inches
how deep are chest compressions for CPR for adults
What is tibial tuberosity
where does the patellar tendon attach?
what is 5 to 10 seconds
how long do you look listen and feel for during the primary survey?
What is the Infraspanatus and teres minor
What muscles are responsible for externally rotating the humerus
What is you keep going
if you are performing CPR on a baby and the mother asks you to stop what do you do?
What is both
is bursitis chronic or acute
what is when the patient regains a pulse
when do you stop CPR?
What is Adson's Test
What special test tests for thoracic outlet syndrome
What is make sure the scene is safe
you walk into a lockerroom and see someone passed out on the floor what is the first thing you do?
what is a sprained LCL
what does a varus test test for?
what is what is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
what does CPR stand for?