History Spirituality in Nursing Concepts Nurses Can Use In Practice
St Augustine
Who is credited with first identifying the relationship among contemplation, action, and wisdom within the Christian tradition?
Sensitivity, open-mindedness, tolerance, listening, responding appropriately, and correctly identifying emotions.
What are some nursing skills that can be used in relation to spirituality?
Positive reinforcement
Ex: "Drug to help your heart" or "Nutrition to help your body fight your infection"
What is the term that means "helps promote healing by speaking positively." Give an example.
500 BC
The root of great tradition including each religions prayer practices, can be traced to the shift in human consciousness that occurred when?
Holistic-care approach
What kind of approach should a nurse use when caring for their patients?
Used in contrast to the placebo effect, is the fulfillment of an expectation that something will cause bodily harm.

Client is told something will harm them, therefore the likelihood of that happening increases.
Describe the nocebo effect
Confucious, Lao-tzu, Siddhartha, Socrates, Buddha, Plato, and Aristotle
Give some examples of great teachers and spiritual leaders throughout history?
Where can you get your strength?
What does peace mean to you?
Where do you feel at peace?
When do you feel most secure?
Who makes you feel secure?
How do you increase your security?
What are some specific questions a nurse can include to assess their patients spirituality?
Therapeutic touch
What is the term that means an active alternative healing modality that involves redirecting the human energy system?


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