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Who is Abish?
I was the Lamanitish woman who called the people when the spirit overcame Ammon and the king's household.
What is his finger?
This was the first part of the Lord that the Brother of Jared saw.
Who is Korihor?
I was an Anti-Christ.
Who is Pacumeni?
My death was not pleasant; Coriantumr killed me against the walls of the city.
What is Unworthily?
Jesus teaches the Nephites not to partake of the sacrament in this condition.
What is a bow?
While they were wandering in the wilderness, Nephi broke this metal object.
Who is Gazelem?
This servant of the Lord had a "stone" prepared for him.
Who is Lachoneus?
This chief judge refused to be bullied by Giddianhi and his band of robbers.
What is a trick, her name is never mentioned you fools!
Amalakiah took this Lamanite queen as his wife.
What is Valiantly?
When Teancum was killed, Moroni and Lehi were sad, because he had fought ______ for his country.
Who is Coriantumr?
Not only was I the last Jaredite King, but I was also the last Jaredite.
Who is Hagoth?
I was an "exceedingly curious man."
Who is Mulek?
This was the son of Zedekiah who was led to the Promised Land.
What is Rameumptom?
This is the "holy stand".
What is Wine-bibber?
King Noah had many vineyards, so many, in fact, that he became known as this.
What is the Desolation of Nehors?
The destruction of Ammonihah was so terrible that the land was not called Ammonihah
What is Irreantum?
After leaving Jerusalem and traveling through the wilderness Lehi and his family came to the sea which they called this, meaning many waters.
Who is Nahom?
When Ishmael died, he was buried here.
Who is Shiz?
I was Coriantumr's bitter enemy and the next to last Jaredite.
What is a Yoke?
Usually associated with farm animals, this item is used in the Book of Mormon to describe the condition of slavery.
What is Ezrom?
This silver coin was worth four senums.
What is Jacobugath?
After the destruction in 3 Nephi, the voice of the Lord makes special mention of the destruction of this city, which was known for its murders, secret combinations, and the fact that they destroyed the government.
Who is Omner?
I was one of the four sons of Mosiah.
Who was Tobaloth?
I was the King of the Lamanites who sent Coriantumer to attack Zarahemla.
Who is Zeezrom?
I was an unbelieving lawyer, until I had a run in with Alma and Amulek.