mill | mega | mill | BONUS!!!!!!! | |
What is million
1000x1000 or 1,000,000
What is megalopolis
A very large city
What is millisecond
One thousandth of a second
What is microscope
A device used to see small things
What is my hair
What do I take FOREVER to brush
What is kilometer
A unit of measure consisting of 1000 meters
What is megahit
A movie that is very successful
What is millimeter
One thousandth of a unit of length
What is microgram
A unit of mass or weight = to one millionth of a gram
What is teal
My favorite color
What is kiloliter
A unit of measure consisting of 1000 liters
What is megawatt
A unit of power containing the prefix "mega"
What is milligram
One thousandth of a gram
What is microbe
An organism too small to be seen by the human eye
What is brain eater
What is my unthinkable nemisis
What is millennium
A period of 1000 years
What is megabyte
One million adjacent bits processed by a computer
What is mililiter
One thousandth of a unit of volume measuring
What is microchip
Intergrated circuits
What is superhero and butterfly
What did I hand out for valentines? (Lollipops do not count as the correct answer)
What is millipede
(Bonus) An arthropod with many legs with the prefix "mill"
What is megabacterium
(Bonus) Bacteria of unusually large size (Mrs. Cummings only)
What is millinery
(Bonus) Women's hats and other items sold by milliners (Mrs. Cummings only)
What is micrograph
An instrument for executing extremely minute writing or engraving (Mrs. Cummings Only)
Not going to tell you!
My middle name