Short Vowels | Long Vowels | Silent E | R Influenced | Oddballs |
Duck D-U-C-K
A bird that swims in the pond.
Rule R-U-L-E
Another name for a procedure
Love L-O-V-E
Not hate but...
Burn B-U-R-N
What a fire does.
Push P-U-S-H
Not to pull but to...
Drum D-R-U-M
An instrument that is hit for sound.
Mute M-U-T-E
When you want the TV to not make sound, you hit this button.
None N-O-N-E
Another word for zero
Church C-H-U-R-C-H
Where you attend mass.
Touch T-O-U-C-H
To feel something is to use you hand to...
Grub G-R-U-B
A word for food.
Chute C-H-U-T-E
The name of the board game includes this word and ladders.
Glove G-L-O-V-E
What you wear on your hands in the cold.
Surf S-U-R-F
You do this on a board in the ocean.
Truth T-R-U-T-H
Not a lie but the...
Skunk S-K-U-N-K
A black and white animal that sprays you with smelly stuff.
Stew S-T-E-W
Another word for hot soup
Dove D-O-V-E
A bird that is a symbol of peace
Purr P-U-R-R
The sound cat makes when happy.
Guilt G-U-I-L-T
What you feel when you've done something wrong.
Crumb C-R-U-M-B
A tiny, tiny piece of food that we leave by accident on the table
Bruise B-R-U-I-S-E
When you get hit by something, it leaves this.
Done D-O-N-E
When the work is complete, the task is...
Burst B-U-R-S-T
When a bubble explodes, a verb to describe the action is...
Through T-H-R-O-U-G-H
Not over, under on top, around, but...