Important Acronyms | Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Students with Deafness or Hearing Loss | Students who are Gifted or Talented | Things to Keep in Mind |
What ensures students with a disability are provided with a Free Appropriate Public Education that is tailored to their individual needs?
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
A developmental impairment of executive function, that includes the ability to comprehend, monitor, and direct one's cognition in order to achieve goals.
What is the predominant language of Deaf Communities?
ASL - American Sign Language
What does GATE stand for?
GATE - Gifted and Talented Program
What should educators never do in order to see every student as a unique individual/learner?
Assume characteristics and experiences are the same for all.
What is the educational entitlement of all students in the United States who are identified as having a disability?
FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education
Between males and females, who are the most identified and diagnosed with ADHD?
What are the 2 developmental areas that can be affected by hearing loss?
Area of Communication
Area of Experimental Learning |
Students who are identified as gifted or talented are not protected under what law?
The Federal Special Education Law.
How can educators view individuals with disabilities to encourage equality and equity?
Through a strength-based perspective, focusing on ability versus disability.
What do all students who qualify for special education services need in place before receiving said services?
IEP - Individualized Education Program
What are the primary characteristics of a student with ADHD?
Difficulty with their working memory, self-directed speech, control of emotions and motivations, and reconstitution or planning.
What are the three diverse perspectives of deafness?
Disability, logistics, and culture.
What are the three categories included in the definition of giftedness?
Above average ability
Task commitment or motivation Creativity - capacity for innovation, originality, or expresiveness |
What is important to remember when working with students' parents?
The power of collaboration and teamwork. Everyone is working in the best interest of the child. (open-ended question)
What is the federal law that ensures students with disabilities receive their education, to the maximum extent appropriate.
LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
What are the three types/presentations of ADHD?
ADHD, inattentive
ADHD, hyperactivity-impulsivity ADHD, combination |
What kinds of experiences are central to learning?
Authentic, Qualitative, and Quantitative
What two groups of people are often overlooked for gifted education?
Minority groups and females
What is one of the most important things to consider when planning support for a student?
Their needs (learning, developmental, social/emotional, mental, basic)
What is the process put into place when identifying struggling learners and the best interventions for them?
RTI - Response to Intervention
Due to stereotypes of students who have ADHD, many assume ADHD is directly related to a student's ______.
How is deafness viewed through a social community/culture perspective?
As an identity with its own rich history, traditions, and language.
What does being twice-exceptional mean?
Being identified as gifted and having a disability.
How can educators aid in dismantling harmful assumptions and encourage inclusivity of unique learners?
Encourage conversation and learning about students with disabilities, starting with the children who represent the school. Share experiences, narratives, important lessons, etc. Foster a welcoming and safe environment in which students feel safe and valued. (open ended question)