Thanksgiving | School Subjects | Time | Perfect Game | Stand and Deliver |
What is turkey
What is health
What is 10:00pm
las diez de la noche
What is Montery
The town in Mexico where the boys came from
What is computer class
What was Jamie hired to teach
What is puchase
What is algebra
What is 1:00am
la una de la maƱana
What is the priest
Who was the motavation for the team
What is the 9's finger trick
what did Jamie do to the "Finger Man"
What is house
What is civics
What is 2:39pm
las dos y treinta y nueve de la tarde
What is donations
What is 1 generous act the team got
What is no funding
what problem does the school have
What is going to
va a
What is music
What is 7:55am
las siete y cincuenta y cinco de la noche
What is Boston
Where was one of the games
What is same wrong answers
Why were the students accused of cheating
What is eat
What is shop
What is 4:27pm
las cuatro y veintisiete de la tarde
What is going to the White House
What is 1 reward the team got for winning
What is kept them after school
what did Jamie do to toughen the class