ThanksGiving words | Class Subjects | Time | Stand And Deliver | Perfect Game |
What is muchacho
What is music
What is 1:00
a la una
What is passing act
tres (3)
What is the place the team is from
Monterrey, Mexico
What is lava
What is shop
What is 12:12
A las doce y doce
What is five commitments
stay vacations,till 5, no summer school, weekend school days, and come in hr before school
What is team cesar helped for
st luis cardinals
What is futbol americano
What is history
What is 3:50
a las trece y cincenta
What is perfect act score
cinco (5)
What is things padre estaban did for boys
blessed the team before every game and introduced baseball to the team
What is Puree de papas
mashed potatoes
What is speech
What is 4:15
a las cuatro y quinec
What is the reasons students were accused of cheating
same wrong awnsers and extra time
What is cesars big secret
Was a towel boy
What is va a
going to
What is act prep
prepararia de act
What is 1:33
a la una y treinta y tres
What is the reasons he faught for calculus
he wanted kids to pass highschool and go to college
What is pitcher whos scored last point
Ángel Macías