Thanksgiving | classes | time | the perfect game | stand and deliver |
What is muchacha y muchacho va a.
a girl and boy leaves their house.
What is arte y poteria
art and potery
What is in the morning
en la manana
What is Mexico
where was the movie mostly filmed
What is to toughen the kids
having them take a quiz every day...
What is muchacha lava platos
the girl wash the plates
What is geometria y trigonometria
geometry and trigonometry
What is sies y cuarto
What is walking
how did the team get to the first tournament
What is algebra
what was Jaime hired to teach
What is muchacho caza pavo
the boy hunts for the turkey
What is foco
focus class
What is in the night
en la noche
What is female
what gender was there reporter
What is problems that Garlfield is facing
teachers leaving...
What is muchacho sierve puree de papas
the boy serves the potatoes
What is factory or shop
What is 3:30
a la trece y media
What is the perfect game
what was the last tournament game called
What is collage
when WAS the kids going to take calculus
What is turkey eats girl and boy
pavo come muchacha y muchacho
What is laboratory of science and math
laboratorio de ciencias y matematicas
What is en la tarde
What is the preacher
who first supported the kids towards baseball
What is all kids had the same wrong answers
why were the kids accused for cheating