Cabeza | Numero | Elmes y la semana | La pronunciacion |
What is pelo castano
Senior Vana's hair color.
What is tres cientos
define 300
What is lunes
day we get delayed start
What is h
what letter is said in silent
What is lacio
opposite of rizado
What is cuatro
the age when you start pre school
What is April
____ showers bring May flowers
What is said louder
what happens when the squiggly is over the letter
What is nariz
centered in the middle of your face
What is trece
number of stripes on american flag
What is febrero
which month is when the amount of days are all different from the rest of the months.
What is u
which letter do you say "ooh' but see
What is ojos
on your face... could be different kinds of colors
What is diez y siete
last digits when the freshmen will graduate high school
What is Julio y Septiembre
dia de independencia (Mexico)
What is h
what does the letter j change into in spanish
What is calvo
you may be cold on a winter day with this...
What is cincuenta
the age you can finally apply on Colonial Penn
What is Junio y Julio
the two months that share the middle of all the months.
What is s
what does z transfer into