Greetings | Numbers | Parts of the body (neck up) | Part of the body (shoulders down) | Greetings Part 2 |
What is Bienvenido
How to say Welcome
What is 10
What is nose
What is chest
"el pecho"
What is good night
"buenos noches"
What is anos
"Years" in spanish
What is 15
What is mouth
What is elbow
"el codo"
What is so long
"hasta la vista"
What is como estas?
"How are you?"
What is 19
"Viente y nueve"
What is redhead
What is fingers
"los dedos"
What is you're welcome
"de nada"
What is very bad
"muy mal"
What is 50
What is blonde
What is waist
"el cinturon"
What is what time is it
"que hora es"
What is excellent
What is 1000
What is beard
What is knee
"la rodilla"
What is how are you (formal)
"como esta usted"