futbol | los verbos de... | tenis | béisbol | stem changers |
What is portero in english
goal keeper
What is to be pleased
What is racket
la raqueta
What is el bate
What is I sleep
yo duermo
What is a goal in spanish
la porteria
What is to be bored
What is dobles
What is batear
to hit/bat
What is we fly
nosotros volamos
What is guardar in english
What determines the ending to gustar
amount that is liked
What is golpear
to hit
What is jonron
home run
What is you count
tu cuentas
What is lanzar in english
to throw/kick
What is interesar in english
to be interested
What is devolver
return the ball
What is pelota
small ball
What is I smile
yo sonrio
What is the field in spanish
el campo de fútbol
What comes before gusta
What is over
por encima de
What is jardinero
What is i say
yo digo