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What do you use to sharpen your pencil?
How would i say my first period?
En mi Primera hora
How would i say I have the class of English?
Tengo la clase de Ingles
I need the calculator?
Necesito la Calculadora
My class of math is boring
Mi clase de matimaticas es aburrido
What do you call a flag?
How would i say in my third period?
En mi Tercera hora
how would i say i have the class of math?
Tengo la clase de mathimaticas
What is
Necesito el diccionario
My class of english is easy
Mi clase de Ingles es facil
Where do you put your school stuff in to go to school?
When is your eighth period?
En la Octava Hora
How would you say i have the class of art?
Tengo la clase de arte
I need the three-ring binder
Necesito la carpeta de argollas
My class of science is interesting
Mi clase de Ciencias naturales es interesante
I am something you do your work on and i am flat. What m i?
When is your seventh period?
En la Septima hora
how would you say i have the class of technolgies?
Tengo la clase de Tecnologia
I need a book for english
Necesito un libro para ingles
My class of physical education is my favorite
Mi clase de Educacion fisca es mi favorito
What do you call a wastebasket?
When is your ninth period?
En la Novena hora
How would i say i have the class of science?
Tengo la clase de Ciencias naturales
i need folders for all my classes
Necesito Carpetas para todos mis clases
I have to go eat lunch
Tengo a ir para comer el Almuerzo