Vocabulary | Drinks | Food | Family customs | Dia de los Reyes |
What is "Merry Christmas"
feliz Navidad en ingles
What is "El café"4
Coffee in Spanish
What is "el jamón"
Ham in Spanish
What is "the Rooster's Mass"
Misa de Gallo en ingles
What is "Dia de los Reyes"
The day most kids in spanish speaking countries get their presents
What is a "present"
la presente en ingles
What is "El chocolate caliente"
Hot Cocoa in spanish
What are "Las galletas de Navidad"
Christmas Cookies in Spanish
What is " December 24"
The day is celebrated the most in December
Who are "the three wise men"
Dia de los Reyes celebrates the arrival of these people
What is "el adorno"
Ornament in spanish
What is "eggnog"
El ponche de huevo en ingles
What are "Cured Ham Croquettes"
Croquetas de jamón curado en ingles
What is "Misa de Gallo"
The name of a Christmas mass
What is "January 6th"
The day Dia de los Reyes is on
What is "la fiesta de Navidad{"
Christmas party in spanish
What is "La sangría"
An alcoholic fruit drink
What is "turkey"
Turquía en ingles
What are "meats, wines, typical foods not eaten at other times of the year"
Foods eaten at a Spanish Christmas party
What is "their shoes"
A place where children place their wish lists
What is "el muñeco de nieve"
Snowman in spanish
What is "La sidra"
Cider in Spanish
What are "El bastón de caramelo"
Candy Canes in spanish
What is "midnight"
The time of day Misa de Gallo starts
What is "Roscón de Reyes"
The name of the cake eaten on Dia de los Reyes