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Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines
What territories did the U.S. gain?
America should fix its own problems before trying to fix another country's
What was Booker T. Washington's opinion?
William McKinley
Who was the president?
It ended the Spanish American war
What did the treaty do?
April 11, 1899
When did the treaty come into effect?
Filipino immigrants were going to take American jobs.
What was Samuel Gomper's opinion?
What did the treaty cause debate over?
$20 million
How much did he U.S. pay for the Philipines?
What country was it signed in?
It denied self government to new territories
Why did some Americans think the treaty violated the Declaration of Independance?
What people were not present when the treaty was signed?
They had a $400 million debt before Spain took it
Why didn't the U.S. take over Cuba?