reflexivo | descripcion | stem changers | reflexivo gramar | preterito |
What is dormirse
to fall asleep
What is agresivo
What is rinen
ustedes renir (e:i)
What is yo desprtarse
me desprto
What is yo baile
yo bailo
What is banarse
to bathe
What is negativo
What is viste
ellas vestir (e:i)
What is ella maquillarse
se maquilla
What is tu comi
tu comes
What is maquillarse
to out on make up
What is optimisa
What is priefero
yo preferir (e:ie)
What is tu dormirse
te dormes
What is ella cocino
ella cocina
What is levantarse
to get up
What is sociable
What is dieverte
ella divertir (e:ie)
What is nosotros levantarse
nos levantamos
What is ellos hablaron
ellos hablan
What is desprtarse
to wake up
What is alegre
What is acuerda
juan acordar (o:ue)
What is ella banarse
se bana
What is nosotros corrimos
nosotros corremos