culture house
What is carpeting
Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of homes in Mexico?

a.) barred windows
b.) fireplaces in bedrooms
c.) courtyards
d.) brightly colored exteriors
e.) carpeting
What is rainy and dry
Countries near the equator typically recognize which two seasons?

a.) spring & summer
b.) rainy & dry
c.) summer and fall
What is shoes
According to Hispanic superstition, buying what item for a significant other will result in the end of the relationship?

a.) seashells
b.) milk
c.) shoes
d.) a cat or dog
e.) a purse
What is Fernando Botero
which Latin American artist is well-known for his portrayal of people and things as fat and round?

a.) Fernando Botero
b.) Pablo Picasso
c.) Frida Kahlo
d.) Joan MirĂ³
What is a glass of milk
Hispanics concerned about their home being inhabited by evil spirits may put this item behind a door or on top of the refrigerator.

a.) a collection of seashells
b.) a tooth
c.) a purse
d.) a glass of milk
e.) a pile of coins

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