The Big Bang | Cosmic Background Radiation | Doppler effect | EM spectrum | Star life cycle |
13.7 billion years ago
How long ago did the universe begin?
It cools down
What happens to the radiation as the universe expands?
It shows that the universe is expanding
What does the Doppler effect have to do with the Big Bang?
Gamma rays
Which waves have the highest frequency?
In the second stage
When is an average star created?
What is the study of the universe called?
300,000 years after the Big Bang
When was the radiation emitted?
Which sound property describes how high or low a sound seems to a person?
Radio waves
Which waves have the longest wavelengths?
Planetary nebula
What is the fourth stage in the life cycle of an average star?
Edwin Hubble
Who showed that the universe is actually bigger than our galaxy?
3 K
What is the temperature of the Radiation?
Stars, they are constantly moving away from earth showing a red tint because of the Doppler effect
What is an example for Doppler effect?
Which waves are the most energetic?
Main Sequence
What stage of life is the Sun in?
That the universe is expanding because distant galaxies are moving away from us
What did George Lemaitre suggest?
George Smoot
Who used cosmic background radiation to make a picture of the universe when it was only 12 hours old?
When a wave source moves toward an observer
When does the Doppler effect occur?
All EM waves are transverse or mechanical?
Which stage of life involves an explosion?
what is 75% of the Universe made of?
. Energy remaining from the Big Bang
What is cosmic background radiation?
It happens because there is relative motion between a wave source and the observer
Why does the Doppler effect happen?
Travel through empty space
EM waves are the only type of waves that can what?
It's mass
What determines the life cycle of a star?