é, aste, ó, amos, aron
State all PRETERITE AR endings in order
Fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron
Ser and IR have the same endings in the past tense. Say them outloud in order.
Poner is Pus
Poder is Pud
What are the Irregular stems for Poner and Poder?
Only in the YO form
In what form of the verb do you do car/ gar/ zar changes?
There was/ There were
. What does HUBO mean?
í, iste, ió, imos, ieron
State all PRETERITE ER/ IR endings in order
Hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicieron
Conjugate Hacer outloud in order.
Tener is Tuv
Venir is Vin
What are the Irregular stems for Tener and Venir?
c ==> qu
g ==> gu z ==> c
Say what the Car/ Gar and Zar changes are.
C ==> ? G ==> ? Z ==> ? |
Feliz Navidad
Random: How do you say Merry Christmas in Spanish
Anoche and ayer
How do you say "last night" and "yesterday"?
Maria hizo la tarea.
Translate: Maria did homework.
Decir is Dij
Estar is Estuv
What are the irregular stems for Decir and Estar?
the i changes to a Y in the el/ ellos forms
What spelling change happens to verbs like Leer and Oir and in what form of the verb?
"en coche/ en carro/ en auto" and "a pie"
How do you say "by car" and "on foot"?
Yo comí pizza para la cena.
Translate: I ate chicken for dinner.
Yo vi una lpelícula anoche.
Translate: I saw a movie last night.
e, iste, o, imos, ieron (eron is just for Decir/ Dij-)
What are the endings for the PEP TVD verbs? and Tell me about the "special" ending for one of the verbs.
e ==> i
o ==> u
What are the 2 possible stem changes in the Past Tense? e ==> ? o ==> ?
Claro que sí!
Me encantaría! Cómo no!
If you were invited to a party and you want to say YES, what are 2 ways you can respond to that. Give 2 answers.
Mis padres trabajaron ayer.
Translate: My parents worked yesterday.
Mis abuelos me dieron dinero para Navidad
(IF they forgot the 'me", I'll let it go)
Translate: My grandparents gave me money for Christmas.
Yo vine a la escuela a las ocho.
Translate: I came to school at 8:00
Stem Changes only occur in IR verbs in the el/ ellos forms.
When do STEM changes occur in the past tense? Be specific. Say: What types of verbs change? What form of the verb changes?
Hubo una fiesta el sábado
Translate: There was a party on Saturday.