Nature | Animals | states and capitals | Products and Natural Resources | Landforms and Landmarks |
what is hot and dry with little rain?
climate of the southwest area
what is nocturnal?
most animals found in the desert are
what is Oklahoma city?
the capital of Oklahoma
what is copper, silver and gold?
the three metal resources found in region
river that runs into a "brother" river
what is a cactus?
the most popular plant that grows in the desert climate
what is a rattlesnake?
warns predators with their "shakers"
what is Arizona?
the state capital is phoenix
what is sheep and cattle?
the two animal resources found in region
what is the Grand Canyon?
the largest and most famous landform that was made by the Colorado river
what is a cactus?
plant that can survive on very little rain
what is a pocket mouse?
this animal could fit inside your pants
what is NM?
The abbreviation for New Mexico
what is oil?
one natural resources found in ground by drilling
what is the Chihuahuan and Sonoran?
name the two deserts
What is the saguaro cactus?
large prickly plant with red fruit
what is the great horned owl?
also known as the tiger owl
what is Austin?
the capital of Texas
what is water?
one natural resource found in lakes, rivers and streams
what is the Hoover Dam?
Americas greatest manufactured structure that lies in front of Lake Mead
What is the yucca?
Large plant with sword shaped leaves and white flowers
what is a bighorn sheep?
has a really large headpiece
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma
Name all four states in order from left to right
what is electricity?
the largest resource found that helps to run machines
what is the Rio Grande River?
the border between US and MEXICO