Colonial History | The Land Down Under | Those Dots on the Map | The Frigid South | def-uh-nish-uns |
What is Thaliand?
This country has traditionally "bent like bamboo in the wind" to avoid being colonized.
What is 1770?
Australia was claimed by Britain in this year.
What are atolls?
These are ring shaped islands surrounded by coral reefs with an inner lagoon.
What is 10%?
Antarctica accounts for this percent of the world's dry land.
What are paddies?
This is land on which rice is grown.
What is Spain?
The Philippines were controlled by this country which also introduced Catholicism to the island nation.
What are prisoners?
Who were the first large group of British to settle in Australia?
What are geysers?
Hot springs that shoot steam and heated water into the air are called this.
What is scientific information?
This is Antarctica's most valuable resource.
What is indigenous?
People who first inhabited an area are known as the ______________ inhabitants.
What is Singapore?
Due to its location on prominent trade routes, a strong educational system, and a deep natural harbor, this smallest of Southeast Asian nations has remained influential in the region. It was also formerly a British colony.
What is aborigines?
What is the name of Australia original settlers?
What is "the land of the long white cloud"?
Aotearoa, the original name of New Zealand, is literally translated as this.
Who are Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott?
These two men were the first to the South Pole and arrived just months apart. Give their names and the order of their arrival.
What is the outback?
This is the name of Australia's harsh wilderness region.
What is France?
This country controlled Indochina.
What is 90%? (between 85%-95%)
Within 5%, what percent of Australia's population lives on the Urban Rim?
What are Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia?
Name the three groups of Pacific Islands.
What is the convergence zone?
This is the area where Antarctic water meets the warmer waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans which generates terrible storms.
What is an ice shelf?
A permanent extension of ice that stretches over the ocean is called this.
What is Laos?
Indochina is composed of Vietnam, Cambodia, and this country.
What is the Bass Strait and the Tasman Sea, respectively?
Name the body of water that separates Australia and Tasmania, as well as the body of water that separates Australia and New Zealand.
What is Maori?
This is the name of New Zealand's original inhabitants.
What is gravity?
Slothful glaciers are moved by this.
What is proliferate?
This words means to grow or expand rapidly and is often used in the context of nuclear weapons agreements.