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The Zulu
What group took over much of South Africa before the arrival of the Europeans?
Oliver Tambo
Who served as the leader of the ANC in exile while Mandela was in prison?
PW Botha
Who was South African President that offered Nelson Mandela freedom if he were to reject the use of violence?
What does the word "apartheid" literally mean in Afrikaans?
Robben Island
Where was Nelson Mandela through most of the Apartheid Era?
The Mixed Marriages Act
What prohibited marriage between people of different races?
After WWII
When did South Africa become an independent nation free from colonial rule?
FW DeKlerk
Who was South African President that put an end to the policy of apartheid?
Dutch East India Company
Who was the 1st European group to take over much of South Africa?
Kobie Coetsee
Who was Minister of Justice that began secret negotiations with Nelson Mandela?
April 24, 1994
When did the first election in South Africa occur that allowed all groups to vote?
San / Hottentot / Bushman peoples
Who were the original inhabitants of South Africa?
The Rainbow Nation
What is the nickname given to South Africa for allowing all groups a voice in the government?
The Truth and Reconciliation Commision
What set up a commission to investigate and provide "as complete a picture as possible of the nature, causes and extent of gross violations of human rights" during the Apartheid Era?
What European group established South Africa as part of their empire in 1902?
Gold, diamonds, platinum, other metals and minerals.
What natural resources made South Africa attractive to European imperial powers?
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Who was chairperson of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission?
African National Congress
What does ANC stands for?
Steve Biko
Who was the Black Consciousness leader that was beaten and died in policy custody?
Small Pox
When the Dutch established a fort in present-day Cape Town, what decimated the indigenous (native) population of the area?
To bear witness to, record and in some cases grant amnesty to the perpetrators of crimes relating to human rights violations, as well as perpetration and rehabilitation.
What was the focus of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission?
What disease is a major problem in modern South Africa?
Winnie Mandela
Who was in charge of the Mandela Football Club?
A reference book
What were black Africans required to carry around with them everywhere they went under the rules of apartheid?
The Race Classification Act
What made every citizen suspected of not being European to be classified according to race?