Sound | Music | Light | Color | Grab Bag |
What is the frequency?
Our perception of pitch depends on this characteristic of a sound wave
What is an octave?
Every time the frequency of a sound doubles, we perceive this interval
What is a particle?
Light behaves as a wave, but also as this.
What are red, green, and blue
These three colors of light, when mixed, will produce white
What is A4?
This note has a frequency of 440 Hz
What is the air?
The medium through which you are receiving my voice energy
What is the shape?
The timbre of an instrument is dependent on this characteristic of a sound wave
What are photons?
Light is transmitted in "packets of energy" called this
What is green?
The complementary color of magenta
What is ROYGBIV?
This acronym represents the colors of the visible spectrum
What is ultrasound?
Sound that has too high a frequency to be "heard" by humans
What are overtones or harmonics?
Frequencies other than the fundamental are heard as these
What is 3 x 10^8 m/s?
The approximate speed of light in a vacuum
What is blue light?
A banana is absorbing this kind of light
What is beating?
Two musical notes with very close pitches will produce this dissonant effect
What is lower?
If a sound-emitting object is moving away from you, its pitch will appear to be this
What is harmony?
When two notes share several overtones, this effect is achieved
What is ultraviolet?
Light with a wavelength too short to be detected by human eyes
What is black?
When viewed under red light, a piece of green construction paper will appear this color
What are cyan and magenta?
Your printer combines these colors to produce blue
What is high air pressure?
The crests of a graphical sound wave represent areas of what?
What are 440 Hz (octave), 660 Hz (partial), and 880 Hz (octave)?
These are the frequencies of the first 2 octaves and the first partial of A3 (220 Hz)
What are being absorbed, reflected, and transmitted?
When light strikes an object, these three things can happen to it
What is cyan?
Staring at a red object for a long time will cause white objects to appear this color
What is the 4th root of 2? (1.189)
The notes of a 4-tone scale, which repeated on the 5th note, would be separated by this multiple