Sound The Nature of Light Reflection and Color Refractions, Lenses and Prisms Assorted
What are sound waves?
A longitudinal wave that is caused by vibrations that travel through a material medium.
What is a wave and a particle?
The two things that light acts like; the dual nature of light.
What is a mirror?
An object that is very good at reflecting light because of it's smooth, shiny surface.
What is light?
It travels in a straight line through empty space.
What is a spoon?
This household item contains both a concave and a convex mirror. (And no, it's not a mirror.)
What is loudness?
Decibels measure this aspect of sound.
What is ultraviolet light?
Sunlight contains visible light as well as this type of non visible light.
What is a light ray?
A model of light used to describe reflection, refraction and other effects of light. (Not as a wave or particle.)
What is a prism?
This object uses refraction and dispersion to separate different wavelengths of light. When white light goes in, a rainbow comes out.
What is black?
The green leaves of a rose will appear this color when under only red light
What is sonar?
A system that uses acoustic signals and echo returns to determine the location of objects or to communicate. This is used in the ocean in ships to determine ocean depth, and submarines to determine distance from various objects. Bats also use this. :)
What is ultraviolet light can pass through thin clouds?
Because of this, you can get sunburned on a cloudy day.
What is reflection?
How flat mirrors form virtual images.
What is refraction?
This is what happens when light passes from one medium to another. It also can make objects appear to be in different positions than they actually are. (Why does a pencil look broken when half of it is in water?)
What are fiber optic cables?
These cables are made of several glass or plastic fibers bundled together. Light is reflected inside them.
What is pitch?
A measure of how high or low a sound is perceived to be depending on the frequency of the sound wave.
What are gamma rays and x rays?
These types of light are used in medicine.
What is a telescope?
These objects use mirrors to reflect and focus light.
What is a microscope, refracting telescope or magnifying glass?
This is an object that uses lenses to magnify an image.
What is SOund Navigation And Ranging?
What does SONAR stand for?
What is resonance?
A phenomenon that occurs when two objects naturally vibrate at the same frequency. Instruments also use this to amplify sound.
What is radar?
A system that uses reflected radio waves to determine the velocity and location of objects. This is used in the air, like in Air Traffic Control towers or airplanes.
What is color?
Objects have this because they reflect certain wavelengths of light. When this certain wavelength of light is reflected, we see this.
What is a lens?
A transparent object that refracts light waves so that they converge (come together) or diverge (move apart) to create an image.
What are dispersion and internal reflection?
Rainbows are caused by these things happening inside water droplets.

Sound and Light

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