Easy | Normal | Hard | Really Hard | ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? |
What color is sonic the hedgehog?
Spin jump
What is it called when sonic jumps into a ball?
Sonic 3d Blast
What was the first 3d sonic game?
When was sonic made?
Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog
What is Sonic's real name?
Sonic the Hedgehog
What is the very first game of sonic the hedgehog?
Ivo. Robotnick
what was the first sonic character that isn't sonic?
Sonic Rush?
What was the first boost mechanic game?
Sonic 2
What game introduced super sonic?
Silver Sonic
What was the metal sonic boss of sonic 2 game gear?
Sonic 2
What was the second main sonic game?
Does sonic forces have classic sonic?
Sonic Rush
What game first introduced Blaze the cat?
sonic three and knuckles
what game introduced hyper forms?
Death egg zone and Sky Sanctuary
What are the two zones in sonic three and knuckles without giant rings?
Sonic three
what was the third main sonic game?
You play it on a CD
how did Sonic CD get its name?
Miles Prower
What is Tail's real name?
Burning Blaze
What is Blaze's super form called?
Ivo. Robotnick and Feil the Rabbit
who could have been the main characters of sonic?
obviously yes, and if you said no, ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????????????????
is sonic fast?
A Fox
What animal is tails?
30 :)
How old is Sonic currently?
4 being Archie, IDW, European, and the Manga.
How Many types of sonic comics are there?
Sonic Rangers
What Sonic game is featuring an open world theme and is coming in 2022