Earth and Sun | Earth and Moon | Tides and Eclipses | The Solar System | Planets |
What is the vocabulary term that means the act of spinning?
What is the vocabulary term for a hollow area or pit in the ground?
What is the vocabulary term for the daily rise and fall of the ocean's surface?
sun, moons, planets, stars
What are 4 things that make up the solar system?
What is the vocabulary term for chunks of rock or metal in space?
24 hours
How long does it take for the Earth to make one complete rotation?
Both are round, rocky objects in space. Both receive sunlight from the Sun.
How are the Earth and Moon alike?
The moon's gravity
What causes tides?
How many planets orbit the sun?
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Name the 4 rocky planets?
The rotation of Earth on its axis. One half of the planet always faces the Sun while the other half faces away from the Sun.
What causes Earth's cycle of day and night?
Earth has air and large amount of water. Moon has craters and Earth does not.
How are the Earth and Moon different?
lunar eclipse
What is it when the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon?
Which force keeps the planets in orbit around the sun?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Name the 4 gas giants?
What vocabulary term describes when one object travels around another?
What is the vocabulary term that describes the different shapes of the moon?
solar eclipse
What is it when the Moon casts a shadow on the Earth?
telescope, Gailileo
What tool makes faraway objects seem close? Who made the first one?
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
ellipse or flattened circle
What shape is the Earth's orbit?
29 days
How much time passes between a full moon and half moon?
solar eclipse
What eclipse should humans not look at directly?
shuttle and rocket missions. probes, rovers and powerful telescope
How do scientists learn about space?
Asteroids collide and break into pieces and called meteoroids. If it enters Earth's atmosphere its a meteor and if it reaches Earth's surface its a meteorite.
Describe how meteoroids become meteors and meteorites?