General | New Tecnology | Pros and Cons |
What are the two things the sun provides?
Light and heat
What new development is said to be 3 times cheaper and create 8 cents per Kilowatt of energy
Spin Cell
List three Pros for using Solar Energy.
Answers may vary.
What is used to directly convert sunlight into electricity?
Photovoltaic or Solar Cells
What is the European Union Goal set for 2020?
12% of energy worldwide.
List three Cons of using Solar Energy?
Answers may vary.
Can Solar Energy be used anywhere?
What can spin cells always do?
"Catch the light"
What are the negative environmental impacts of Solar Energy?
Land loss, clearing out trees, toxic chemicals are used.
What were the four top countries (in order) that have the most found solar energy?
Germany, Italy, China, USA.
Does Solar Energy give out carbon dioxide?
No it doesn't
What is holding back the use of Solar Power?
The cost.
Who founded the photovoltaic effect?
Edmond Becquerel
Why is solar energy not very popular?
Because even though it creates less pollution it is more expensive then using coal.
True or False: Photovoltaic cells are primarily made out of silicone.