Positioning | Facts About Solar Eclipse | True and False |
A solar eclipse is when the Moon get's in the way of the Sun.
What is a solar eclipse?
2-5 per year
How many Solar Eclipse's happen each year?
These are the types of solar eclipses; total, annular, and partial
The season is called an eclipse season
What is the name of the season when a solar eclipse happens?
Every 1 and 1/2 years
How often does a total solar eclipse happen?
The sun passes over the moon in the night
A New Moon
What type of moon must it be for a solar eclipse to happen?
The moon goes across the sun at 2250 km per hour
How fast does the moon move across the sun?
False they make the Earth darker wherever it is
Total solar eclipses are not dark
The different types of solar eclipses are Total, Partial and, Annular
What are the types of a solar eclipse?
The longest solar eclipse can last 7 and a half minutes
What is the longest a solar eclipse can last?
False the longest will last 7 and a half minutes
The longest a solar eclipse can last is 15 mins
Total = entire Sun covered
Partial = Some of the Sun is covered Annular = When you can see only a ring of Sun
What is the difference between the 3 types of solar eclipse's?
No, different places every time
The next one will be April 29, 2014 in Australia and the South Indian Ocean
Can every solar eclipse be seen from everywhere?
False it is 269km
The most the width of the path can be 268km