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What are Seeds
The soil serves as a storage house for this, which when germinated grow into plants and can re-vegetate whole landscapes.
What are Pests
If the food web within the soil is healthy and diverse, there will often be beneficial insects, which help in the control of these.
What are Gemstones
These valuable resources, often used for jewelry, can be found in soil, especially near rivers and streams.
What is Recreation
Soil grows the grass that is used as playing fields for soccer, football, and golf. These are all types of what?
What is Primary Production (Plant Growth)
The soil provides support for plants, holding them in place and giving them access to water and nutrients so they can go undergo photosynthesis, which leads to what?
What is Disease
Biodiversity in soils prevents the spread of what? For example, fungi in the soil produce antibiotics to protect plants from this.
What are Raw Materials
Soils provide sand, gravel, and clay used as building materials. Soil also provides the home for plants, such as cotton, flax, and hemp, which provide us with paper, cloth, and rope, as well as trees that provide us with lumber and firewood. These are k
What is Ecotourism
Soil also provides the foundation for hiking and mountain biking trails, as well as, campsites and national parks. This can be economically beneficial to communities as it attracts this.
What is the Water Cycle
What continuously moving process, involves evaporation, precipitation, snowmelt, runoff, and movement into the soil?
What is Carbon Sequestration
Plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and release it into the soil through respiration. When they die the carbon stored in the plant can be stored in the soil as organic matter, which is known as what?
What are Energy Resources
In the search for more sustainable sources of this, many agricultural fields have begun growing corn and soybeans for use as biofuels, such as ethanol.
What is Spirituality
Many cultures throughout history were based in a strong connectedness to the Earth. The felt that the soil was sacred and would sit on the ground and touch the earth to feel closer to “Mother Nature.” This is a form of what?
What is Nutrient Cycling
This recycling of materials through the soil frees up things like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and allows them to be used as the building blocks for new living matter, such as plants.
What is Water Filtration
As water moves deeper and deeper underground, the soil removes solid particles and can turn dirty water into clean water through what process.
What is Medicine
Nearly all of the antibiotics commonly used today, such as Penicillin, were discovered from soil microorganisms. These are examples of how soil provides for the discovery of what?
What is Education/Science
Soils provide us with an opportunity to explore and observe the natural world and to conduct experiments to learn more about the way things work on Earth. This allows for advancements in what?
What is Soil Fertility
This is the ability of a soil to supply nutrients necessary for basic plant nutrition.
What is Air Purification
The ability of the soil to remove pollutants from the atmosphere and hold them underground or break them down into less toxic substances is known as what?
What is Food
Soil grows the grasses that many livestock animals depend on and the plants that provide us with fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and grains. These products that nourish our bodies and provide us with energy are known as what?
What are Habitats
Soil provides the solid foundation for us to build homes and whole communities on. In less-developed nations, clay soil is often used for adobe to build shelter on this foundation. These provide us with what?

Soil Ecosystem Services

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