O tu UE stem changers | E to IE stem changers | E to I stem changers | Vocabulario de fĂștbol y baloncesto | Vocabulario de bĂ©isbol y tenis |
What is the word costar in english
to cost
What is cerrar in english
to close
What is to serve in spanish
is "futbol" soccer or football
what is small ball in spanish
la pelota
What is to show in spanish
What is encender in english
to turn on
What is pedir inn english
to request/ask for
what does a soccer player do to move the ball
lazar el balon
how many people play baseball
What is the stem changer for shows
What is the stem changer for sentir
What is the stem changer for repetir
how many people play soccer
where do baseball players play
jugadores en el campo de beisbol
translate i have lunch
What is we think in spanish
What is we continue
Where do soccer players play
jugadores en el campo de futbol
how to the baseball players hit the ball
el bate
What is the stem changer for we show
What is i want to watch the movie
quiero a la pelicula
What is i follow him in spanish
siguo su
the players to what to make a goal and hwat is it called
lazar el balon meter
What are the positions in baseball
el lanzador bateador picher jardinero