Education Religion
What is education?
Consists of the roles and norms that ensure the transmission of knowledge, values, and patterns of behavior from one generation to the next
What is religion?
A system of roles and norms that is organized around the sacred realm and that binds people together in social groups
What is schooling?
Formal education, which involves instruction by specially trained teachers who follow officially recognized policies
What is sacred?
Anything that is considered to be part of the supernatural world and that inspires awe, respect, and reverence
What are charter school?
Funded with public money but are privately operated and run
What is profane?
anything part of the ordinary world
What are zero tolerance policies?
A policy of not tolerating undesirable behavior, such as violence or illegal drug use, especially in the automatic imposition of severe penalties for first offenses.
What is animism?
A belief that spirits actively influence human life
What is bilingual education?
This involves education in a child's native language, typically for no more than three years, to ensure that students do not fall behind in content areas like math, science, and social studies while they are learning English.
What is theism?
the belief in a god or gods


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