Long term effects of the MTO residential mobility experiment on crime and delinquency | Status Disparities in the Capital of Capital Punishment | Social Class and Criminal Acheivement | Wrongful Conviction: Looking at Student Knowledge |
What is 4,600.
How many families participated in the MTO experiment?
What is Harris County, Texas
Where did the study take place?
What is social class, and criminal achievement and sentence length.
What were the independent and dependent variables in the study?
What is Criminal Justice students and Non-criminal Justice students.
Who were the two groups of people studied in the article about wrongful conviction
What is every 2 years for 10 years.
For how many years after randomization were test subjects observed?
What is high social status of the victim leads to higher probability of seeking and imposing the death penalty
What did the composite score reveal about social status and the death penalty?
What is Liberal Professions.
What occupation category was deemed to be of the highest social class?
What is 15 questions
How many questions were asked to access the student knowledge?
What is 61%
What percentage of males ages 15-25 were arrested within ten years after randomization?
What is 5
According to Black's Theory, how many elements of social status are there?
What is Criminal Achievement.
What is the measure of illegal and legal earnings over time for an individual?
What is 2006
When was this study conducted?
What is moral failure OR genetic inclination OR social injustice
What is one aspect of the theoretical framework used in this article for criminology?
What is cultural status, vertical status, radial status, normative status, and organizational status
What are 2 of the 5 elements of social status?
What is common delinquency crime.
What types of crimes were used to quantify leniency in conviction lengths?
What is the overly narrow focus on an investigation that results in a biased evaluation of the information received.
What is tunnel vision?
What is current neighborhood conditions (as opposed to past neighborhood conditions)
What are situational neighborhood effects?
What is vertical status
Which element of social status does not influence capital punishment?
What is no correlation between social class and criminal conviction.
What was the prior popular notion of criminologists on the subject of social class and it's influence on criminal conviction.
What are Poor prosecutorial practice, Aggressive police behaviour,Ineffective defence counsels, Social group discrimination
What are one of the four main categories of wrongful conviction studied in the student article?