United Nations
San Francisco Conference
What does UN stand for and which conference were they created?
France, Britain, Italy, and the USA
Which four nations signed the Treaty of Versailles?
The government decides who goes to war. Men or women can be conscripted to serve in a war. The nation's people usually do not have a choice. They have to serve in the war.
What does conscription mean?
They have temporarily stopped fighting.
What does it mean when two countries have reached an armistice?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
If a country is attacked, that attack is considered to be an attack on all countries who are within the NATO alliance.
What does NATO stand for and how is it important?
1. Canada evacuated US troops trapped on the Korean Peninsula.
2. Canada recaptured a prison camp at Koje-do.
Name two ways how Canada contributed to the Korean War?
1. Hundreds of people were arrested. They were held without a trial for 90 days.
2. Citizens were worried and conflicted. 3. Trudeau implemented the War Measures Act
What were the impacts of the October Crisis? List 3 reasons.
Multiculturalism is when immigrants are encouraged to practice their own customs, beliefs and culture while living in a foreign country.
Define multiculturalism.
There would be no conscription
What did the Canadian government promise its people at the beginning of WW2?
1. The amount of people who wanted to separate from Canada increased. (these are called separatists)
2. More diverse beliefs were allowed 3. French and English tensions increased 4. Canada officially became a bilingual country. 5.The church was removed from state
How did the Quiet Revolution impact Quebec? Give 5 reasons.