Maps / Latitude and Longitude | The Constitution | Civil Rights / Anti War movement | Cold War / Vietnam War | Important Terms |
What is a geographical map?
A type of map that shows land and water formations through the use of color and shading and will sometimes show border-lines of countries or states
What is Legislative (Congress), Judicial (Supreme Court), Executive (President)
These are the three branches of U.S. government and who is in charge of each.
What are sit-ins?
This was a form of non-violent protests in which African Americans and Caucasians would sit down in "Whites only" Restaurants until they were served or forcibly removed.
What is the iron curtain?
The military, political, and ideological barrier established between the Soviet bloc and Western Europe from 1945 to 1990.
What is the Law of Demand?
As the price of a good rises, the demand falls; as the price falls, the demand rises
What is the Prime Meridian?
The name for the 0 degree line of longitude?
What is the Electoral College?
This is a special body who is in charge of electing presidents in the USA.
What is the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
This year long boycott of the bus system in Alabama was successful in de-segregating seeing on city buses.
What is NATO?
Organization designed to stop Soviet expansion in Europe
What is an Autocracy?
The type of government where a single person holds power. This could be in the form of a monarchy or a dictatorship
What is the International Date Line?
The name for the 180 degree line of longitude?
What is the 8th amendment?
This amendment states that no cruel and unusual punishment shall be inflicted.
What is Brown vs. Board of Education?
This landmark Supreme Court case made segregating schools illegal and began when a little girl anther parents made a class action suit against the Board of Education in Topeka Kansas
What is the Berlin Wall?
A barrier set up in 1961 in order to prevent people from escaping from the the communist controlled eastern zone to the democratic western zone in a portion of Germany.
What is median, mean, mode, and range.
You find these 4 terms by looking for the middle number, adding and dividing, looking for the one the appears the most, and looking for the difference between.
What is an index guide?
This is used to locate countries, cities, and other points of interest. Consists of a row of numbers across the top or bottom of the map, a column of letters along the left or right of the map, and a listing of places with a letter-number location code
What is the 5th amendment?
This amendment states that no person shall be forced to be a witness against himself and protects people from double jeopardy (being tried for the same offense more than once.)
What are Jim Crow laws
These laws condoned the idea of "separate but equal" treatment of African Americans.
What is the Viet Cong?
The US fought against this group who used guerrilla warfare during the Vietnam War.
What is an oligarchy?
When a country is governed by an elite group or a few rich families, it is considered to be this.
What is a contour line?
The shape of the earth's surface is shown by these lines on a topographical map which make it possible to measure the height of mountains, depths of the ocean bottom and steepness of slopes.
What are checks and balances?
This system ensures that each branch of government has some measure of influence over the other branches and may choose to block procedures of the other branches in order
prevent any one branch from accumulating too much power |
What is the Kent State Massacre?
4 students were killed by the Ohio National Guardsmen after they opened fire on a group of anti war demonstrations on May 4th, 1970 on an Ohio College Campus.
What is napalm?
9% of the bombs dropped on Vietnam during the Vietnam war were this type of bomb.
What is opportunity cost and a Production Possibilities Frontier.
This is the alternative that one gives up when making choices and can be represented in one of these diagrams.