Northeast 1 | Northeast 2 | Northeast 3 |
What is needleleaf
These leaves are long and thin. Do not change color in the autumn
What is foliage
A cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches on plants or trees
What is a canal
An inland waterway build for transportation or irrigation
What is the Appalachian Mountains
A long chain of mountains that run through the Northeast and the Southeast regions
What is green pigment
What do the leaves stop making in autumn which makes other colors in the leaves begin to show?
What is a metropolitan area
A city and its suburbs together is called
What are glaciers
These changed the shape of the mountains by slowly moving over them and wearing them away
What is the Middle Atlantic States
This subregion has the best soil for growing crops in the NE.
The St. Lawrence River
What was the name of the seaway built to get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes?
What is a harbor
A sheltered place where boats can be docked
What are quarries
A place where stone is cut or blasted out
flat lands
deep harbors major cities bays
Name 3 features that make up the Atlantic Coastal Plain
Middle Atlantic States
New England States
Name the 2 subregions of the Northeast
water stone rock trees
Name the 5 Natural Resources found in the NE.
canals seaways highways tunnels cities
Name 4 things people have built to change the land of the NE.