Coast to Canyons | Deserts and Oil | Wells for Water and Oil | Extra Questions | Extra Questions |
Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
What 4 states make up the southwest region
dry land where little rain falls
What is a desert (definition)?
Underground layers of rock or sand that trap rainwater.
Crude oil
What kind of oil is taken to refineries so it can be separated into parts such as gasoline and heating oil. It bubbles up from the ground.
Colorado Plateau
What major plateau is in the Southwest
217 miles
How many miles does the Grand Canyon stretch across northern Arizona?
A fuel, commonly called oil, that formed underground from dead plants
Sand and limestone
What are the layers of an aquifer made of in the Southwest?
Silver, copper, uranium, oil
Name 3 resources found underground
well pumps and springs
Name 2 ways people in the Southwest get water from aquifers.
B. a deep, narrow valley with steep sides
What is a canyon?
A. A hill with a flat top B. a deep, narrow valley with steep sides |
What played a big role in shaping the Southwest?
Beaumont, TX
In 1901, where was oil discovered?
a period of little or no rain
a factory where crude oil is cleaned, separated into parts, and treated to make petroleum products
The Colorado River
What River cut through the rocks over millions of years ago, forming the Grand Canyon?
The Dust Bowl
What event caused thousands of families to lose their homes and farms in Texas and Oklahoma?
dry farming
a way to grow crops with only a small amount of rainwater
to make changes over time to survive in an environment
chemicals made from petroleum
Canyons, mesas, and buttes are formed by?
Oil and water
What 2 resources are found in the Southwest?
Study rocks in that area
What do scientists have to do in order to dig for oil?
A river that flows very swiftly as elevation drops
paint, plastics, fertilizers, pesticides
Name 3 things that contain petrochemicals