#1 Southeast Region | #2 Southeast Region | #3 Southeast Region | #4 Southeast Region | #5 Southeast Region |
What is a source
The starting point of a river
What is the mouth
A place where a river empties into an ocean or other large body of water
What is irrigation
The use of ditches or pipes to bring water to fields
A line divided into measurements that can determine the actual distance of places on Earth.
What is a map scale?
What is West Virginia
Which Southeast state has the most coal deposits?
What is
1- special boats check the depth of the river 2-the boats dredge the bottom of the river to remove silt and garbage
Name 1 way the Mississippi is now safer for boats to trave
What is Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico
Where is the mouth of the Mississippi located
What is tobacco
What was the first crop to be grown in the Southeast
What is growing season
The number of days in a year when the weather is warm enough for crops to grown.
What is separate the rocks from the coal
What was the job of children in the mines before a law was passed to forbid children to work in mines?
What is Lake Itasca in Minnesota
_____________________ is the source of the Mississippi, located in the state of _______________.
What is agriculture
The business of growing crops and raising animals
___________________ turns into coal after millions of years in the ground.
What is tourists
People who vacation are called ________________.
What is
heat, light, cooking, energy
What do we use coal for?
What is silt
__________________ changes the Mississippi River
What is Florida and Georgia
Name the 2 states that use irrigation because there isn't enough rain to grow certain crops.
What is
peaches, tomatoes, rice, beans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, watermelon, oranges, cotton
Name 5 crops grown in the Southeast
What is tributary
A river that flows into a larger river is called a _____________________.
What is
medical care better pay safer working conditions equipment
Due to the labor unions what things improved for the coal miners?
What is
1-transporation 2-water 3-rich soil
Three things that the Mississippi River provides for the Southeast
The Southeast is closer to the equator
Why does the Southeast have a warmer climate for much of the year?
What is
pressure heat
What 2 things have to happen once the sediment is in the rock phase
What is
-dust getting into the lungs -cave ins -explosions caused by gases
Name 3 dangers faced by coal miners
What is
North Carolina South Carolina Louisiana Florida
Name the states that have NO coal deposits