Missouri Compromise | Lincoln Douglas Debate | Kansas Nebraska Act | Election of 1850 | John Brown |
In 1820
When was the Missouri Compromise agreement made?
Who won the Lincoln Douglas Debate?
What year was this act passed in?
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, and Breckinridge
who are the runners of the Election of 1860?
Harper's Ferry, VA
Where did John plan to seize the federal arsenal?
What is the imaginary line (Longitude and Latitude) across the Louisiana purchase?
Lincoln gets National Attention, making him the republican candidate for the running of the election of 1860
What is something good that Lincoln gets from this debate?
Stephen A. Douglas
Who created The Kansas Nebraska Act?
Abraham Lincoln
Which President was not on the Southern Ballet
There was no revolt
What went wrong with his plan?
Henry Clay of Kentucky
Congress finally agreed to a compromise crafted by Representative...?
Is the sentiment of one class [group] that looks upon the institution of slavery as a wrong, and of another class that does not look upon it as wrong
What does Lincoln think the real issue is in this controversy?
The Missouri Compromise
What did the Kansas Nebraska Act abolish?
they secede to form their own rules
When Abraham is elected president how do the southerners react to that
To take control and to arm the slaves
What was Johns plan?
California applied for admission to the Union as a free state.
What happened in 1849 that threatened to upset the balance between slave states and free state?
The future of slavery
The main issue of the Lincoln-Douglas debates was...?
the beating of Senator Sumner
what did this act lead to...?
Fort Sumter
Where did South Carolina open fire marking the start of the Civil War?
he was to be hung
When he was convicted what was his punishment?
Admitted Missouri to the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state. In this way, it maintained the balance of power between slave and free states.
What did the Missouri Compromise Admit, and why?
it was a moral issue.
During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln's view of slavery was that...?
abolished the Missouri Compromise by allowing settlers to determine whether slavery would be allowed in the new territories
What did the Kansas Nebraska Act do?
from what year to what year was Lincoln's first term
A Martyr
When he passed what did people call him?