World Geography | Canadian Geography | Geographical Terminology | Canadian Inventions | The British Empire | Industrial Revolution |
It is the country with the second largest geographical size.
The capital city of New Brunswick
Fold mountains
It is the type of mountains caused by movement of tectonic plates moving into each other.
Invented by James Naismith in 1891
South Africa
The Boer War was fought between the Dutch settlers and the British in a land that would be later known as this country.
An alloy of Iron and Carbon
The second largest population on Earth resides in this country as of Winter 2024.
The largest Province in Canada by population.
Mount Baker
It is the closest active volcano visible to Southern Vancouver Island.
Frederick Banting, Charles Best, and James Collip invented this medical grade drug to save lives in 1922.
Republic of Singapore
It was a British colony in South East Asia. Today it is an independent republic and is one of the wealthiest and highest educated nations on Earth.
An alloy of Copper and Tin
Hong Kong.
This former colony was handed back to the People's Republic of China in 1997 by Great Britain.
Nova Scotia
The provincial home for Fort Louisberg which is the largest fortress of its type in North America
These large ice sheets that have joined contents together for thousands of years.
What is the snowmobile.
This 1920's invention made transportation in the snow possible by Armand Bombardier.
It was a strategic trading hub for the spice and tea trade in Southern Asia.
An economic system that is driven by profit and controlled by private individuals; considered a market economy.
New Zealand
It is the sixth-largest island country in the world, with a land size of 268,680 km2 (103,740 sq mi).
The capital city of this province. View Image
The Interior Plains
It is the regions name for Tornado alley.
What is lacrosse
It was a sport invented by the Mohawk and Iroquois first peoples which involved a netted stick and a round stone which is now a North American sport.
It was a collection of British colonies from 1788 until 1901. It is so large of a country, it is classified as a continent.
The steam engine
James Watt invented a practical and efficient version of the ____ in 1781.
This former colony was handed back to the People's Republic of China in 1999 by Portugal.
The Northwest Territories
It is the Province with the 4th largest deposit of Diamonds in the world and an abundance of Uranium ore for the Nuclear Industry.
Western Cordillera
Vancouver Island is part of the ______ region
Invented by Reginald Fessenden and used sound waves to detect underwater objects.
Formerly a part of the British Commonwealth, It is a small southeast Asian nation, ruled by one of the richest Royal Families in the world and is under Islamic Law.
The rapid growth of cities (term)
Nikola Tesla