Buddhism | Hinduism | Gupta Empire Achievements | Maurya Empire/Ashoka | Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa (Early Civilizations) and Aryan Invasion |
Siddhartha Gautama is the Buddha
Who is Siddhartha Gautama?
Kshatriya Vaishya Sudras Untouchables
What are the caste levels?
Chandragupta I
Who founded the Gupta Empire?
Who was the peak leader of the Mauryan Empire?
they lived in sturdy brick houses, up to 3 stories
they valued art and traded with other cultures the culture had a well planned government based on their city layout sewers; advanced drainage system (plumbing) no social classes
What was so special about these civilizations architecture? Why were they advanced?
Right Speech
Right Understanding
What are 2 of the requirements of the Eightfold Path?
Hinduism has a caste system and believes in gods
Buddhism doesn’t believe in the caste system and there are no gods in Buddhism They both believe in karma, nirvana, and reincarnation
What are the similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism?
What was the main religion of the Gupta Empire?
-the boundaries of the empire expanded
-trade and commerce were enhanced
What were two accomplishments the Mauryan Empire had?
Where did the Aryans come from?
-Everyone suffers
-Desire results in suffering (you suffer because there are things that you want that you do not or can not have) -If you give up desires, you stop suffering -To stop suffering, follow the Eightfold path
What are the Four Noble Truths?
Karma is the good or bad force created by your actions and dharma is the actions you perform in your social class
What is the difference between karma and dharma?
Astronomy, Literature, Medicine, Mathematics, and Universities
What are some of the main achievements of the Gupta Empire?
Ashoka sent missionaries and engraved edicts on to pillars
How did Ashoka spread Buddhism?
Who did the Harappans trade with?
Karma is the good or bad force created by your actions
Nirvana is when a person has been reincarnated and reunited with Brahman Reincarnation is when someone dies and then is born into a different life
What is karma, nirvana, and reincarnation
Birth, death, rebirth
What is the process of reincarnation?
To stop suffering
Why did Ashoka become Buddhist?
Hinduism/caste system
What did the Aryans bring with them to India?