Child Labor | Women's Rights | Modern Day Reform | Civil Rights |
Around 70 hours a week.
How many hours a week did children work in factories?
The right to vote
What is a right that women were granted in the early 1900's?
What country did you read about where children (mostly girls) have to work long hours even today's times?
Martin Luther King Jr.
Who gave the famous "I Have a Dream Speech"?
Younger than 7.
Describe the age of children when they began working in factories.
No one would allow her to be their doctor because she was a woman.
What happened to the woman who was a doctor in the late 1800's when she wasn't supposed to be a doctor?
What animal do some scientists think should receive equal rights as humans?
Rosa Parks
Who was the woman who was fined $10 and put in jail for not giving up her seat at the front of the colored section of a bus in Montgomery, AL?
Industrial Age--Many factories everywhere. Children were hired cheaper than adults.
What caused the child labor problem?
Answers may vary.
Why was the women's rights movement important?
What state has banned the use of plastic water bottles and plastic bags to help reduce pollution in the environment?
The LIttle Rock Nine
What were the group of students called who had to be taken into Central High School by soldiers because white people were yelling and throwing things at them?
Oliver Twist
What book brought awareness to child labor rights?
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Who were the two women that were mainly behind the women's rights movement in the late 1800's?
What organization protects animals against being tested in labs with chemicals and taking their fur for clothing?
James Meredith
Who was the first black man to enroll at the University of Mississippi?
According to Congress, how old do you have to be to do work during school hours?
19th Amendment
Which amendment to the Constitution allowed women to vote?
Cyber Bullying
What is it called when someone is mean to someone else using the internet, cell phone or some other type of electronics?
Brown Vs. Board of Education
What legal case declared that segregation (separating white and black students) is illegal?