Weber and Marx's Ideas | Social Classes | Social Mobility terms | Social class and education | Social class and jobs opportunities |
Who based their social structure on a “class struggle”?
Lower Class
This class is referred to as the “underclass”
Social Mobility
What is the term where induvial can move between social classes?
The higher classes tend to have the money to afford advanced education like college
How does social class relate to education?
In some jobs you need a college degree and if they don't have one they won't qualify.
How does being in the lower class affect someone in getting a job?
Whose idea of social class separated the classes into 3 different categories ?
This class has members that are usually unemployed or come from families that are unemployed
Education, occupation, wealth, and, Income
What are 4 things that can affect one’s, social class?
They may not be able to afford to go to a school that is in a good area and receive and good education, and may not be able to go to college for financial reasons
What disadvantages do the lower classes have in education?
True or false lower class individuals usually work multiple jobs in order to support their family
Propriety class
Based on Weber what was the class that could provide for themselves ?
Upper Class
What is the term used that relates to a small group of people that lived beyond poverty?
vertical Mobility
what is the term where an individual can move up and down the class hierarchy?
Having the money to pay for tutors if their child is struggling in school
What education factors do the higher classes have that the lower classes don't?
Having a college degree, having connections, being able to drive to an interview
What are the advantages of being a higher-class individual while looking for a job?
Monarch/noble or slave
What is an example of an immorable status?
Middle Class
Members of this class are “mixed bags” (own small business, independent professionals, and some sales/clerical workers)
No, some social classes use to be immovable due to succession, inheritance or being forced into it
Has the structure of social class always been movable?
True or false low income kids are more likely to drop out of school than upper classes
True or false it is easier to get a well-paid job if you're in a high social class
The Proletarial
Based of Marx’s idea who were the exploited group, who could only offer their work?
Social class
What is the term where a group of people within a society that possess the same socioeconomic status?
Origin, education and destination
What does OED stand for?
In the middle class, it will most likely not have any disadvantages due to them having a stable income
How does social class affect someone in the middle class?
In and interveiw they may go for the higher-class individual due to them having a college degree and being more reliable to get to the job in time
How does social class affect one from getting a job?