Vocab | Fashion vs. Fads | Social Movement Leaders | Types of Crowds |
What is the creation of something new from previous existing items or processes
What is planking? Fashion or Fad
Martin Luther King Jr.
What nonviolent leader served to end racism and gain civil rights for African Americans
Casual crowd
What crowd is the least organized and gather momentarily to observe a spontaneous incident
What is the process by which one culture or society borrows from another culture or society
What is personal appearance? Fashion or Fad
Mohandas Gandhi
What Indian leader went against Britain, racism, and colonialism, to further have India gain independence
Conventional crowd
What crowd has a specific purpose and follows accepted norms for behavior
Mass Hysteria
What is a collective anxiety created by acceptance of one or more false beliefs
What is jewelry? Fashion or Fad
Adolf Hitler
What leader rose to power in Germany and blamed Jews for Germany's problems
Expressive crowd
What crowd has no significant or long term purpose beyond giving out emotion
Alternative Movement
What is the movement that deals with bringing about limited changes in individuals
What is a flash mob? Fashion or Fad
Malcolm X
What African American leader was an advocate for the rights of blacks, and who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans.
Acting crowd
What crowd takes some action toward a target and concentrates on some objective aggression
Value-added theory
What is the theory holding certain conditions that must exist for social movements to occur
Fashion... For Brandon (:
What is hairstyles? ( this question is in remembrance of Brando's haircare product days). Fashion or Fad
Susan B. Anthony
What leader was a leading figure in the woman suffrage movement
A conventional crowd becomes an acting crowd
When European soccer fans abandon the guidelines for spectators and attack officials, what kind of crowd does it start as and what crowd does it transform into