5 FUNDIES | Core Concepts | Key Concepts | Methodologies | Social and Cultural Literacy |
What is Persons?
Individuals who are shaped by their society and culture
What is Continuity and Change?
The way in which things stay the same or become different
What is Globalisation?
The process where companies operate across national borders, products and companies become internationally recognisable and cultures increasingly homogenise.
What is Quantitative Research?
Research that gives results in numerical data, tables, graphs and diagrams
What is The Macro World?
The broarder world beyond your immediate community e.g your country, the media, the government
What is Environment?
The physical, social or psychological setting of a society
What is Technology?
Tools that make tasks easier, enhancing natural ability of persons to perform those tasks
What is Industrialisation?
The process whereby the means of production are based in mass production using developing technology (e.g. factories)
What is Qualitative Research?
Research that gives results in descriptive prose, quotations and summaries
What is The Micro World?
The immediate world of family, peers, school and work
What is Culture?
The values, arts, technology, laws and beliefs that bind a society together
What is Gender?
The socially constructed differences between men and women
What is Westernisation?
The way a country adopts the values common in major western countries such as the USA or UK
What is Ethical Research?
Research that has received permission from participants, maintains confidentiality and avoids prejudices and risks
What is Personal Experience?
The experiences you have in your life as you grow and develop as a human being that are unique to you
What is Society?
The way people organise themselves
What is Power?
The capacity to influence others to follow a course of action of point of view they would not otherwise follow
What is Modernisation?
The process of social change, often linked to westernisation and industralisation
What is Bias?
When research is affected by the personal views and prejudices of the researcher
What is Public Knowledge?
The collection of knowledge assembled through research and analysis of a wide range experiences; knowledge that is learned from consulting a source
What is Time?
A constant in all societies and cultures that is measured in terms of past, present and future
What is Authority?
The legitimate use of influence and or persuasion, that gives someone the accepted right to make decisions
What are Institutions?
An organisation or the established way of doing something
What is The Process of Research?
Beginning with a research question, developing a plan, collecting data using methodologies, interpreting data and communicating research findings
What is a Cross-Cultural Study (Comparison)?
Examining a topic from a perspective other than your own; can often be a comparison of two perspectives for the same study