It's All Political | Right(s) To Be Canadian | "Rights"... Back Then | Collective Rights, Eh? | Couldn't Be More Random |
The Canadian _____________ is the highest law of Canada. All other laws must be consistent with it.
True or False: Since 1982, Canada has seen an increase in the number of human rights complaints.
Canadian women began to campaign for the right to ________ in 1876, but were not granted this right until 1918.
__________________ is the belief that one’s own culture is superior.
Snow White (1937)
What was the first film that Disney made?
War Measures Act / Emergencies Act
Which piece of legislation states that the Canadian government may restrict the rights of Canadians in a justifiable way, if it becomes necessary?
Freedom of thought/opinion
Freedom of religion Freedom of assembly Freedom of association Freedom of press
Name 3 fundamental freedoms protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Indian Act
The federal legislation related to the rights and status of First Nations peoples, first passed in 1876 and was amended several times.
True or False: The Metis people have had both peaceful negotiations and very violent conflicts with the Canadian government in their quest to obtain land, collective rights, and more political autonomy.
What is James Bond's code name?
The Supreme Court of Canada
Who decides what happens to a piece of legislation, either provincial or federal, if it conflicts with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Canadians’ democratic rights ensure that they have the right to vote for a new government at least every ______ years.
Name the two immigrant groups that were sent to internment camps by the Canadian government during World War II.
Attempted to assimilate them
Defined who was a status Indian Restricted their mobility rights Restricted their democratic rights Banned traditional ceremonies Banned traditional clothing Redistributed Indigenous lands
Name 3 ways the Indian Act affected the Indigenous people of Canada.
Cherry blossom
What is the national flower of Japan?
Lord's Day Act
Big M Drug Mart challenged the _________
________ ________ (3 words) by remaining open for business on a Sunday in 1982. |
Equality rights
Paula has worked part time in the cosmetic department of a major department store for the past 5 years. Paula was recently asked to resign because the store has a policy against employing people over the age of 70 and they were “trying to present a more youthful image”. Paula didn't fit the image, because she was now 71 years old.
Which of Paula’s rights did her employer violate? |
No-fly list
Canada adopted this controversial security measure that affected the rights of individuals after September 11, 2001.
In Metis history, a document that could be exchanged for land.
How many keys does a classic piano have?
New Brunswick
What is the only officially bilingual province in Canada?
Right to vote
Right to leave, stay in, and enter Canada freely
You must be a Canadian citizen to have these two (2) rights.
This made French and English the official languages of Canada’s parliament in 1867.
Bill 101
This piece of legislation helped Quebec protect and affirm their Francophone language rights, but was later impacted by the creation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Where is the smallest bone in the human body located?