All About the N Kinda Far Away Terms Randomizer Can't We All Just Get Along
What is NATO?
a multilateral group dedicated to collective security that includes Canada and the USA.
What is the World Trade Organization?
this organization deals with regulation of trade between countries by providing a framework for negotiating and formalizing trade agreements and a dispute resolution process.
What is supranationalism?
is a method of decision-making in multi-national political communities, wherein power is given to an authority by governments of member states; beyond nationalism.
What is a treaty?
an agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states and international organizations.
What is a regional alliance?
a relationship that is fostered between nation states that is related to their proximity or location with each other. Like NATO.
What is NORAD?
a defense group that monitors the aerospace and air traffic control of North America.
What is foreign aid?
a voluntary transfer of resources and funds from one country to another sometimes for humanitarian reasons.
What is multilateralism?
when there are multiple countries working together on a given issue.
What is tied aid?
is foreign aid that must be spent in the country providing the aid (the donor country) or in a group of selected countries; usually financial loans.
What is the European Union?
28 member states form this supranationalistic organization that has a common currency and market; they also have a central government.
What is NAFTA?
a trade agreement between USA, Canada & Mexico.
What is UNICEF?
provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
What is unilateralism?
is any agenda that supports one-sided action. Essentially, when a country decides to act by itself.
What is La Francophonie?
an international organization that promotes and represents countries with French as the dominant language; think French people talking on a phone.
What is peacekeeping?
sanctioned defense and protection that comes from the UN Security Council; UN members must commit troops to this. Rwanda, Congo, Bosnia.
What is the United Nations?
supranationalistic group that monitors global affairs, global security, humanitarianism and aid.
What is foreign policy?
the plan a country will adopt that determines their relations with other nations.
What is isolationist?
when a country decides to abandon foreign relations and looks after its own national interests.
What is collective security?
group defense; an attack on one member is considered an attack on all members.
What is veto power?
Security Council permanent members can use this to defeat legislation if it is not in their best interest; Big Brother.
What is a Non-Governmental Organization?
a term commonly used for an organization that is neither a part of a government nor a conventional for-profit business.
What is Doctors Without Borders?
humanitarian-aid NGO best known for its projects in war-torn regions and developing countries facing endemic diseases; Bugs Bunny saying outside the box.
What are superpowers?
nation-states that are considered on top of the world economically, socially and politically; USA, Russia, Clarke Kent.
What is debt?
countries gather this by spending more money than what they have in their budget.
What is Rwanda?
a genocide that had Canadian peacekeepers involved; a colossal failure of the UN that resulted in 800,000 people being murdered.

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