Related Issue #1 (Ch. 1-4) | Related Issue #2 (Ch. 5-8) | Related Issue #3 (Ch. 9-12) | Related Issue #4 (Ch. 13-16) | Hotel Rwanda |
What is segregation?
The Little Rock 9 was a group of students that ended this.
What are Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism?
The MAIN causes of World War I
What is a want?
Purchasing a cell phone is an example of this.
Who is Stephen Harper?
This person believes that many national identities exist side by side within Canada.
What is genocide?
The killing of the Hutu in Rwanda is an example of this.
What is reconciliation?
When two groups solve a problem they are exhibiting this.
What is reduce military strength, pay for the Allies, give up land and accept responsibility for the damages?
The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to do these four things.
What is tied aid?
Giving a country money and requiring them to give you a cheaper cost on traded goods is an example of this.
What is the British North America Act?
This act defined two levels of government, the Federal government and the Provincial government.
What is 1 million people?
This many people were killed in the Rwandan conflict.
What is a non-nationalist loyalty?
A loyalty that is to something other than a country or a nation.
What is ultranationalism?
Supporting one country while being mean to another group is an example of this.
What is a need?
Paying the rent is an example of this.
What is a myth?
People claim that all Canadians are farmers. This is an example of this.
What is the United Nations?
Colonel Oliver was a member of this international organization.
What is religious and nationalist loyalty?
In Ireland when the Protestants moved north and the Catholics settled the south this was an example of what two loyalties competing.
What is propaganda?
The spreading of carefully selected information, rumours and ideas is this.
What is international law, peacekeeping and foreign aid?
Three ways that you can promote internationalism.
What is Remembrance Day, WWI or WWII?
One time when you see a national unity in Canada.
What is "cut the tall trees."?
The Interhamwe used this phrase to tell their people to start killing the Hutu.
What is a nation?
A group of people who feel a sense of belonging together.
What is economic prosperity, security and safety, and beliefs and values?
National interest focuses on these three things.
What are peacekeepers?
These people are guided by consent, impartiality and self-defence.
Who are the Ukrainians?
This group of immigrants to Canada faced being sent to work camps and checking in with police officers frequently.
What are war crimes?
General Bizimungu was tried for these after the crisis was over.