Created to need each other | Loving God by serving others | Sharing our story | Loving God is all that we do. | SOAP |
Who were the 'True Blue' friends in our first SOAP reading?
Ruth and Naomi
What is the name of the woman who had died at the beginning of the story?
Who was one of the first two disciples to meet Jesus?
What did the woman pour all over Jesus' head?
Expensive perfume
What is SOAP?
A method of reading the bible that combines choosing a verse, observing what you think God is saying, applying it to your life and using the bible to have a conversation with God.
Why did they have to travel to Bethlehem?
Ruth and Naomi's husbands and sons had died.
What is the gift that Dorcas shared with the poor of her village?
Sewing clothing
What did John the Baptist say when Jesus walked by?
"Look the lamb of God"
What does the word anoint mean?
To pour on, smear over, or rub in.
What does the S stand for in SOAP
Choosing a scripture or verse.
Why did Ruth go out in the fields to collect grain?
Ruth and Naomi had nothing to eat.
Who did people run to find when Dorcas had died?
Who did Andrew go and tell about meeting Jesus?
Simon Peter
Why were Jesus' friends angry that she had poured the perfume on his head?
The perfume could have been sold to feed the poor.
What does the O in SOAP ask us to write down?
What God is trying to say.
What Ruth told Naomi when she urged her to go without her.
Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.
What did Peter do when he saw how sad the people were that Dorcas had died?
What did Philip tell Nathaniel when he doubted that the Messiah could come from Nazareth?
"Come and See"
What did Jesus tell his friends when they became angry at the woman?
"She has done a beautiful thing."
What is the word that helps me to think about how the verse applies to my life?
What is the name of the land owner that showed kindness to Ruth and Naomi?
What is one way that God needs us to show his love in the world?
Using our gifts and talents to serve our neighbors.
What is the new name that Jesus gave to Simon Peter?
The Rock.
What is worship?
Giving our best to God where ever we go and in what ever we do.
What is praying through SOAP?
Having a conversation with God using the bible.