Snow Day! | Over the Cliff | Anatomy | (Not so) Common Injuries | Famous Moments Never to be Repeated |
What is depth hoar?
Forms near trees and rock outcroppings
What must you also wear when you are wearing a rescue harness?
You must be wearing a rescue helmet.
What is the humerus and femur and where are they located?
The long bone in the upper arm and the long bone in the upper leg
What is a tibia plateau fracture?
A fracture in the upper third of the lower leg
What is how not to ski a double black while at work?
Slide head first down Head Wall
What is which boards are cleared every morning?
H2D and H24
What knot is multidirectional?
Butterfly knot
What is the pleural cavity?
This cavity can trap air causing a tension pneumothorax?
What is C3, C4, and C5
These vertebrae keep the diaphragm alive
What is how should Silver Star Patrol never be represented to the public?
Standing on the roof of a groomer
What is essential for safe travel in avalanche terrain
A good partner
What is the breaking strength of a figure eight knot on an11mm static rope?
Breaks at 20KN to 24KN
What is what intercostal space do leads V1 and V2 go?
4th intercostal space
What is injury always gets entonox?
Every shoulder injury gets this
What is not a snowmobile route?
What is how many avalanche control routes there are at SS and how many are controlled regularly?
39 and 17
What is the purpose of the Grillions in the rope rescue system?
To properly position the stretcher/patient relative to the attendant
What is the mandible?
The primary bone of the jaw
What are some of the signs and symptoms of a silent MI?
The signs and symptoms are Indigestion,strained muscle in the chest or upper back, possibly has diabetes and/or female
What is how not to operate a snowmobile?
Roll a snowmobile with a loaded rescue toboggan
What is the speed at which are safety fuse assemblies burn?
135 seconds/m
What is the essential kit for using a rope gun?
Ear, eye, and hand protection, pants, shirt, jacket, underwear.
What are the greater trochanters?
The pelvic splint is placed at this point
What are signs and symptoms of an internal bleed?
The signs and symptoms arePoint tenderness, mechanism of injury, elevated heart rate, and narrowing pulse pressure
What is not the snowmobile route beside the HRT?
Taking a snowmobile between the HRT and HRT lift hut off of a wind lip?